an oval, a vowel, an e
Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon, Videbæk, June – July 2021
Curated by Paola Paleari and Anne Zychalak Stolten
Photo documentation by Jacob Friis-Holm Nielsen (2021)
Press text: https://kunsten.nu/artguide/calendar/marie-raffn-an-oval-a-vowel-an-e/
Process photos and text, the Danish Art Workshops: https://svfk.dk/project/marie-raffn-an-oval-a-vowel-an-e
Documentation excerpt of 6 minutes performance by Helene Buchhave Lind at the exhibition ‘an oval, a vowel, an e’
which took place at Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon June-July 2021
Recorded and edited by Jonas Frausing Norf Studio
Here selected sculptures served as a score for abstract sounds of and between species. Sounds inspired by whale song, snapping shrimps, echolocation clicks, bird chirps and monotonous yet rhythmic waves
The interpretation was performed by violinist Helene Buchhave Lind in collaboration with Marie Raffn