Seemingly so contained like it’s leaking but lacking a crack octave put a purl in it and another little less parry contre sixte sticka stick a stack bash to bash balestra launch between rows AND WATCH IT RIP
















Launch between rows / Bash to Bash Balestra (excerpts)






































“The first note about my contact with Marie’s work is that her essay is excellent. This relationship with words is then omnipresent in her studio work and although she works across different media it is the work with language that seems to me to be more consistent, more compelling and unique. The artist books she has done are truly great. Her interest in concrete poetry transpires in many works and is recurrent. Word games, puzzles, language systems and translation are at the core of an important part of her work. Her though process is quite complex and the visualization she does of this process – a series of mind maps – is quite impactful although she has chosen to consider these as non-artistic projects. The work she presented for her final exhibition in a way moves away from the work mentioned before. In the exhibition, she puts together two apparently antagonist activities: fencing and knitting. The video is very well done technically and having the soundtrack done by the sound of knitting needles is quite interesting…”
Excerpts on the exhibition from a text by Filipa Oliveiras 2016


Essay about the exhibition mfa_thesis


Selected works
Launch between rows
Tape and HD video and synced foley sound from Bash to bash balestra (fencing match filmed in the gallery’s corridor, the width of which measures exactly the same as that of a fencing piste). 02:42 min. Installation view, MFA exhibition, KHM Gallery, Malmö

Bash to bash balestra
HD foley sound video on monitors: knitting needles and the artist performing the feet of each fencer. 02:42 min. Installation view, MFA exhibition, KHM Gallery, Malmö

Put a purl in it. Bei alle Mustern zwischenreihen (Alte Muster aus dem alpenländischen Raum)
Knitted parries wall drawings which are used as scores for the sculptures and sound piece. Red and black ink. Detail, MFA exhibition, KHM Gallery, Malmö

Sticka stick a stack: “Land Salzburg”
03:40 min. sound shower loop. Knitting pattern used as a score for the sound piece. Installation view, MFA exhibition, KHM Gallery, Malmö

Like it’s leaking but lacking a crack
Installation consisting of vapour barrier, wire, plastic, plaster, pigment, marker, tape. Installation view, MFA exhibition, KHM Gallery, Malmö

Please note that the videos and sound pieces are viewing excerpts and not the original work.
Photodocumentation by Jenny Ekholm (2016)



Further Projects